Thursday, September 1, 2011

O' Hanlon Landscaping Services

Thank you for considering O Hanlon Landscaping for your next  landscaping project. Environmental sensitivity, sustainability and quality are core values of O Hanlon Landscaping. Our values come from a long tradition of family, American pride and participating and creating community  as well as creating beautiful landscape designs that reflect our values through our work and commitment to service.   Here  are a few things that our clients have said regarding the projects we have worked on : “...every morning I feel a deep appreciation for the beauty of this garden”...”Jims'  attention to detail & commitment to keeping his word and providing a service  that exceeds my expectations”...”the results were simple yet profound”..."my backyard used to be a source of anxiety now it is more like a sanctuary"    And by the way,  we love referral.  Thank you for your business.  You are appreciated.  

To schedule a consultation call Jim:  610. 622.5415